Sunday, July 23, 2006

Shibuya Train Home: 09 July 2006

It's been awhile since I last wrote, but where I left off was at Asakusa temple. The journey back home is getting to be quite the routine for me now. I can finally get the gist of when rush hour is and when to catch the express train which saves me a good 8 mins and skips 6 stations! Tokyo has a gazillion train lines. There are so many lines owned and operated by different companies. I can't simply get a train ticket that takes me everywhere on the Tokyo rail network. Currently I have 2 train tickets. One is direct from Kajigaya Station (my dorm) to Shibuya. The other ticket is a debit card ticket for one of the major lines (JR lines) JR= Japan Rail? has a line called Yamanote which loops around major destinations like Tokyo, Akihabara, Shibuya, Shinjuku and many others. The rest of the places like Ginza and Ropponggi are accessible by subways, which you guessed it requires a different ticket! Like I said before in my email, the thing about catching trains in Tokyo, is you MUST know which station exit leads to your destination. Pick a wrong one and you can expect a detour from 10 mins to an hour!

For more pictures: Click on 'Shibuya Train Home' under links on the right column

P.S: Check out the Asakusa link too for more pictures...

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